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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Spectrum Art Class. January 20/ 20011

Spectrum art class January 20/2011.

Warm ups: 1 Squares, randomly placed and overlapping.  2. Swirls; draw a person running but only use swirls. 3. Shading in, using the side of your pencil draw tree without lines only by shading in. 4. Clouds make them fluffy on top and flat on the bottom.

Our Classroom project: was drawing from real life a teapot, Emphasis given to form and shadow.
We continued a two week unit on mounting artwork, with hands on mounting of student’s best work.  

Optional take home projects: included a confidence building task drawing from a formula an owl, and mountains using basic shapes.

Our inspiration for today: is from St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans 12:1 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship."  This is dedicating yourself, or consecrating, yourself and your work to God. The idea of dedicating yourself to God goes all the way back to the book of Genesis.  It is the idea of giving your eyes to God to let him show you what to see in your drawing,  giving your hands to God to let him use them to draw skillfully, give your imagination to God so he can put great and creative ideas in it. By having this attitude in our task, whatever it is, we are making our task an act of worship. Your art can be an act of worship this way, so can be doing the dishes, picking up your room, laundry, presenting an oral report in front of judges or whatever you do. Give yourself, hands, feet, eyes, imagination, mouth, attitude, etc to the Lord before you begin, he will accept it as an act of worship and He will bless you.

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