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Friday, May 20, 2011

End of School Year Thoughts.

Art Class is done for the year. As I reflect back on this last year of mentoring young artist I am overwhelmed with many feelings. I am humbled by the trust the parents and administration at Spectrum have placed in me. I am amazed at how much the young artist have improved in their work. I am sad that this adventure of teaching the foundations of art is over, (for a season). I am full of anticipation to see what great things the young artist will do in the future.  I am grateful for the privilege to serve our Lord by inspiring his children. I feel truly blessed to be able to have done this. I do not feel worthy to have been in the company of gifted teachers as those at spectrum.

I was told the class was an hour and I should spend an hour preparing for it, but my preparations went into many hours. The biggest was not designing lessons but the time praying for The Lord to be the instructor and to reveal to me what each child needed. I sought the Lord to be the author of the lessons, so any success in the Art Class is due to the Lord's grace rather than my skill. Still, I feel there were some opportunities that I missed and for those I am sorry.

An artist needs inspiration. I gave a meditation each week based on Godly Values that were intended to draw us toward the Greatest Artist- God our Creator. May the idea of bringing God into our art encourage us to bring him into all areas of our lives; and to see God is relevant in everything we do.

I know some are not returning to next year I will truly miss them and hope the life skills we talked about over sketchbooks will find application in notebooks and workbooks and all areas. I am excited about the possibilities for next year and hope to see many new and returning artist come to Spectrum.

In The Savor's Service


(c)Adron Dozat

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