
Thursday, September 10, 2020

How to Paint a Picture of The Tulips Worksheet

How to paint a picture of the tulips worksheet and lesson. 

I love God's creation and the beauty He put into it. Tulips one of the treasures he put in the world and they are such an exciting flower to paint.  I always enjoy painting them. I know this little lesson will be meaningful for you. It is simple and when it is done it is beautiful.

If you have problems printing this worksheet click on the HOW TO PRINT tab for some suggestions.

This is one of my favorite projects, I worked on it for a long time, I hope you like it. 

My printables are free, so print as many as you like. They take a lot of my time.  I often have to create several images before I get the right one for an illustration.  It is a lot of work, but I am glad to have the opportunity to inspire others.
I only ask that you consider making a donation. Your gift of support will enable me to create more worksheets for you. 

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Below is a file in PDF format if you have problems printing the image above. 

CLICK HERE for a PDF file.


You can use any watercolor paint. I prefer my small Windsor Newton paint set; it has a nice selection of colors. I also use Grumbacher Paints in the tubes.  You can easily find these at any craft store like Lobby Hobby or Michaels. (Look for coupons online.) You can collect lots of paintbrushes, but it is better at the start to keep it simple with a few small, medium, and medium-large brushes and a combination of flats as well as rounded paintbrushes. For these art lessons, I use Strathmore series 300 Watercolor paper. It is economical and available at Michaels and Hobby Lobby and online. 


Trace the design onto 140-pound watercolor paper. It is a heavy paper that will not buckle. If you have trouble tracing through the paper, try holding it against a window with the light shining behind it, and then you should be able to trace it easily.

The green is darker at the bottom and lighter at the top. Mix some dark green by using a TINY amount of black with the green, make it watery. Apply the dark green with a small brush starting at the bottom and working up a little. For the light green mix a little green with some yellow, make it watery. Apply the lighter green starting at the top and work it down until it touches the dark green.  The two should blend at the edge where they meet. 

After the background dries mix some yellow-green and with the tip of your brush draw a yellow-green line on the sunny side of the stems and leaves. While the stems are still wet mix some dark green and use the tip of your brush and draw a line down the shadow side of the stems and leaves. Let the two colors blend so that it looks round. 

Use a small brush and some watery light blue and pant the lower areas between the flowers and stems. Take your time. Continue the light blue around the flowers and up a little. Mix a little dark blue or violet and use a medium brush, starting at the top paint the darker blue going down. The two colors should blend where they meet. Pick up the paper and tilt it so the colors flow together in an interesting and random way.  

Don't try to paint all the flowers at once, do a few of the red ones and then a few more and after that do a few purple ones. Use watery red and with a medium brush paint the flowers. While it is still wet mix a little red, and violet together and with a small brush add a LITTLE shadow to the darker areas. 

After you finish the red flowers do some purple ones the same way. 

If the flowers look too flat use a little tissue paper and dab the side that has the sun to lift out some of the colors. or use some clean clear water on your brush and lift out some of the colors on the light side. 

(c)Adron D. 9/10/20

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