
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Water Color Painting With shadows.

Watercolor Painting With Shadows.
Spectrum art 2 

We will explore adding shadow into a picture by adding colors you might not think of.

We do not add black to make a shadow; we mix other colors to give a rich darker color or a muted color if it is desirable for the composition.

We will use a grid and practice mixing colors to add shadows. The colors in the grid will be opposite on the spectrum. This will be like a chart.

We will practice painting shadows on some basic shapes.

Example Of Shadow Chart.
To the left is an example of the exercise where we made a color chart. The color wheel on the top is a reference for the colors from the opposite side of the wheel.

In the example, we used various colors (Student's Choice), and in each consecutive box added more of the value from the opposite side of the color wheel to darken the original color. The first column started with a green box next box below added some red for darkening, and more red was added further down. The same process was repeated for the blue and the lavender.

Below is an example where a tree was painted, and the green was dabbled with some red to give shadows to the tree.

Example of using opposite color for the shadow.

(c)Adron Dozat