
Thursday, April 28, 2011

How To Draw A Simple Kitten

Kittens are a popular and very cute subject to draw. This one is very easy, if you practice it a few times your friends will all be asking you to draw them one  too.

The thing to remember when drawing baby animals is the head is larger than normal and the facial features will be lower on the head. Using a light hard lead pencil draw a large simple circle. For reference draw two very light lines one vertical and one horizontal crossing the face; draw them lightly they are for reference and you will be erasing out some this later. Sketch a much smaller circle to the bottom for the chin and add two lines going up from the sides to a little above the top of the circle. Place the eyes as two circles below the horizontal lines; they should be little less than halfway to the outside of the face. The nose is about half way through the smaller circle we drew for the jaw. Draw a "V" for the nose making sure the bottom of the "V" is on the line going up and down. Draw a line from the top of the ears in an arc that stops half way above the eyes, (about a little higher than halfway from the eyes to the crown of the head). Give him three rows of freckles. Sketch in the body and the feet as simply as you can. Take a break and come back after a moment. Now that you have a break inspect your work and see if it needs any correction. Take your time on the fir it is one of the most important parts of this project. Work the fur in with a light hard pencil, sketching outward and away from the center. Switch to a softer darker pencil for the tiger stripes and the shadows. Sharpen your pencil to a nice point and whisk it across the cheeks outward for the whiskers and do the same for inside the ears.

You might want to add a mouse or a ball of string to your picture but do it early in the drawing.

(c)Adron Dozat

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